I will never complain that my house is too small. This couple and the teen-aged son manage to live a their 320 square foot home. Debra and Gary were tired of being held captive by a mortgage, so Brenda started researching the old "shotgun style houses" that were very popular in the 30's, 40's and early 50's. Today you family and friends will have you committed if you set out to buy and/or build a house that is under 350 square feet.

The average house built in America in 1950 jumped up to 983 square feet by 1970 the average size jumped up to a whopping 1,500 sq. ft. by 1990 it only inched up to just over 2,000 sq. ft. Today the average size is just under 2,400 square feet.

YouTube - Aaron Spelling's House For Sale

An increasing percentage of homes being built in America are what most builders call "McMansions" and the average square footage is over 9,800 square feet. By the way, the biggest house in the U.S. is still the late director/producer Aaron Spelling's mansion. Spelling's palace is up for sale and for a cool $150 million. The mansion comes in at just under 57,000 square feet. Not included in the footage if the "finished attic that has over 17,000 square feet itself.  This little French chateau-style mansion is in Los Angeles County. Among the neighbors are the Los Angeles Country Club and, the Playboy Mansion.

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