The Abilene Public Library Will Host a “Conquer Your Kindle” Class
My wife was given a Kindle by her employer for Christmas 2010. Christmas 2011, her boss gave her a 'Kindle Fire', and I was handed down her first one. At first I said "wow, an over grown iPhone for books, great." I didn't appreciate this hand me down e-book, until Janis Test with the Abilene Library, told me that I can check-out books with my Kindle and that the library has a 'Conquer your Kindle' class that I needed to take. That class is coming up again.
With more and more books becoming available in 'e-book' form, more and more people are going back to reading more. I got bit by the bug too, I love this new kindle thing, now that I understand it better. The fact was, I didn't know a lot about my hand me down kindle, for example, I didn't know I can re-size and/or change the text. My wife's new Kindle Fire can do a lot more than what she's using it for, so we'll both be going back the The Abilene Public Library for the 'Conquer your Kindle' class.
Conquer your Kindle class
July 17th, 2012
6:3o p.m.
Abilene Public Library, Mockingbird branch
Free to Kindle owners
Janis C. Test Information Services Manager at 325-676-6017
A current library card, your Amazon account login, and your Kindles USB cord
Additional Info
Learn how to better utilize your Kindle. Information professional Ann Mount will demonstrate how to check out, and download books from the library. This class requires a 'basic' working knowledge of your Kindle. Attendees with questions can bring their Kindle to the class and participate in the troubleshooting session, after the class is over.
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