Boys Ranch Chili Super Bowl Will Spice Up Labor Day Weekend
The 38th Annual Rentech Chili Super Bowl is Labor Day weekend in scenic Buffalo Gap. All the fun and festivities take place Saturday, August 31st and Sunday, September 1st.
This fun family event promises good food, great entertainment and some awesome auctions and raffles. Come hungry, wear comfortable shoes, bring the kids and get ready to relax and eat.
This event, benefiting the Ben Richey Boys Ranch is a chili, brisket, chicken, rib, bean and dessert cook-off. It all takes place at the Old Settlers Reunion Grounds,100 Vine St, in Buffalo Gap.
Cost is free this year however, donations are graciously accepted. The dance is also free and a donation will be appreciated as well. Gates open at 9 AM both Saturday and Sunday and the Dance starts at 8:30 Saturday night.
Don't forget to take some chili home for only $8 a quart, $15 for 2 quarts or $25 a gallon. The 2019 Dodge truck raffle tickets are only $100 Truck and only 499 will be sold. Two bowls of chili are included with every raffle ticket purchased.
This years chili is being prepared by the Taylor County Sheriff's Officer's Association and the Dyess Air Force volunteers. Contact G.T. Ward at 325-669-6200 for all information. The video below is a hilarious Ray Stevens take on a good ole fashioned Texas Chili-Cook Off. It's a taste of what you'll find at the Chili Supper Bowl. Enjoy!
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