Friends of the Abilene Public Library Needs Your Help Now
What are Friends of the Abilene Public Library (FAPL) up to this year? First, the "Friends" are volunteers who enjoy reading and helping the Abilene Public Library. More so than ever before the Library needs volunteers to assist with this year's annual "Friends of the Abilene Public Library Book Sale."
Friends of the Abilene Public Library get into the Sneak-A-Peek Book Sale
A friend donates with their time or by making a monetary contribution. In addition, a friend can also be a Big Country business. Second, FAPL is "Going Green in 2024." By going "Green" the FOPL is asking all attendees to bring their bags, boxes, and carts to truck home their finds Thursday - Saturday."
The FAPL is focused on getting an all-new main public library in the new historic Abilene Heritage Square. This sale adds to their goal they pledged $500,000. This is not just about a book sale, it's about giving Abilene a new spacious Abilene Public Library.
You can become a member of the FAPL by volunteering, and that can be done all year round. Simply, read and fill out the "Membership Form" and mail it in, in care of the Friends of the Library, or drop it off at 202 Cedar Street in downtown Abilene with your donation.
If you'd like to attend the book sale this year, it's Thursday, June 20th through Sunday, June 23rd at the Abilene Convention Center, 1100 North 6th Street. The hours are Thursday 5 pm till 8 pm, Friday 10 am till 7 pm, Saturday 10 am till 5 pm, and Sunday from 1 pm until 4 pm.
Mary K. Huff, the President of the Friends of the Abilene Public Library says "we are excited to host our annual book sale this year, and we are looking forward to seeing everyone come shopping for their favorite books, recordings and help support the Friends of the Abilene Public Library. The best part is that 95% of the books are donated and we have a great selection to choose from.
Source: FAPL Press Release
Thursday, June 20th is the Sneak-A-Peek sale, and Sunday, June 23rd is the Bag-O-Books clearance sale. This sale also includes CDs (aka compact discs), vinyl albums, VHS movies, DVDs, and more.
The Abilene Public Library benefits from the sale as the Friends Members aim to improve our Abilene Library. Please become a member it's only $15 for a single membership, $25 for a family membership, and $50 for a Caring Friend. Additionally, business memberships are available online or at the library.
LOOK: This Is How Big The Friends of the Abilene Library Book Sale I?s
To become a member online check the Friends of the Abilene Public Library website. As for the Abilene Library itself, check out its website and the library's Facebook page.