The Bryce Kennedy Memorial Benefit Clay Shoot is August 17th
The 12th Annual Bryce Kennedy Memorial Sporting Clays at the Abilene Clay Sports range at 1102 Spur 707 in south Abilene. This event uses the Lewis Class Scoring System with cash prizes.
The clay shoot benefits both Bryce Kennedy Foundation and the Shattered Dreams Program. Bryce Kennedy was killed in a tragic auto accident and the monies raised are spread through our area high schools and scholarships as well.
Shawn Kennedy says "we're expecting to have a bigger shoot this year, as the event continues to grow in popularity" So, grab your shotgun and get signed up.
Sign up for the clay shoot Saturday, August 17, 2019 at 7:00am, warm ups begin at 7:30am and the actual competition starts at 8:30am. The cost is only $135 per shooter plus $10 for a meal ticket and $25 for the event shirt. Discounts for military & first responders.
Hearing & eye protection are required and shooters are responsible for their own ammunition, no shells larger than 3 dram, 1/8 ounce of 7-1/2.