Are you smarter that the average person? If the answer is yes, then you may be interested in joining the American Mensa Society, only the people that are the smartest two percent of the population could be invited to join, if their Mensa test scores are high enough. The American Mensa Society has only 57,000 members and they're looking to test anyone 14 or older that thinks they are smart too.
Testing for the Mensa Society in West Texas will be in  Odessa, Saturday January 14th 2012. After I started surfing the Mensa website I discovered that there are tons of celebrities that are Mensa members like, actress Gina Davis,  Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, MLB-pitcher Leon Feingold, Pro wrestler Scott "Raven" Levy and actor Michael Muhney of the Young and the Restless just to name a few. Mensans say that they are smarter than 98% of the population and they're the only people in society that get the joke. Watch the video then ask yourself, are you smarter than the average person?

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