This 15 Second Video is of a Girl Just Before She’s Killed in Horrific Crash

The video you are about to see below is that of three young people out on a high-speed joy ride in a convertible Corvette while they're traveling at 110 mph down the Dumas Highway near Amarillo on the Saturday evening before Easter Sunday. Take notice of the fact that traffic was still very active. Note that the driver took the cellphone video, and it's the last time that Andrea Elizalde sitting on the center console was seen alive.
The driver can be heard yelling over the screaming engine "Joey chill Bro" at the person sitting in the passenger seat. You'll see the driver Dyego, as he lets go of the wheel to wave at the camera he is holding and that's when the car flipped, rolls over several times over a hundred feet before it flies across a highway below, slams into the side of an overpass, and slid down on to the embankment.
The crash scene along Dumas Highway was horrific. The corvette that actually belonged to Andrea was in pieces and scattered all over that Dumas Highway. The photo below is proof that the car is no longer recognizable and the only parts of the car that are recognizable are the wheels.
Police officers, troopers, and the firefighters that showed up to assist in the wreckage said the car was not even recognizable. Amarillo firefighter Brenton Goerend said “You couldn’t tell what it was. It was horrible. We couldn’t find the third person, so we started looking underneath the car.”
Joey and Dyego both survived this dreadful car crash but they were both buckled in. Andrea died at the scene, making her one of more than 79,000 people who have died on Texas highways and byways since November of 2000. This year November 7th will mark, 22 years of deaths on Texas roadways.
For the past several years, about 10 people have died every day in crashes on our Texas roads. “It’s not OK to drink and drive,” Elizalde said. “It’s not OK as a father to go through the death of your daughter at the hands of people who are drinking and driving.” Source: TxDOT - Laura Ryan Transportation Commissioner.
TxDOT is asking all Texans to do any or all of the following to raise awareness:
- Make the best and safest decisions behind the wheel, don’t drive under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs; always obey traffic laws; always wear your seatbelt.
- Post pictures on social media with this downloadable sign displaying the hashtag #EndTheStreakTX.
- Share personal stories on social media of loved ones who have been lost in a crash and use the hashtag #EndTheStreakTX.
- Follow TxDOT's social media pages and share the content we post.
The video below is of Andrea Elizalde's dad talking in depth about how his daughter died. Sharing his thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
We as Texas drivers have the power to protect one another and we must stop speeding, stop drinking, and driving, and once and for all do away with distracted driving by putting our phones away when we are driving. Rememer #EndTheStreakTX.
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