Researchers at Texas Tech University found evidence of contamination after they tested some samples of farm-raised shrimp that came from abroad. Within the testing, the researchers discovered evidence of antibiotics and one of those antibiotics is a suspected dangerous human carcinogen. The shrimp was purchased from grocery store right here in the good ole USA.

Ron Kendall, director of The Institute of Environmental and Human Health at Texas Tech, said they found about 10 percent of the 30 samples they took in were contained with traces of three antibiotics. Researchers said they discovered the antibiotic Nitrofuranzone, a probable carcinogen, in two of the samples, one was from a farm in India and the other from a farm in Thailand and both were purchased in New York. All the samples tested 28 and 29 times higher than the amount allowed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


“Finding this particular antibiotic is of great interest, especially considering someone could have been eating an item that would have been banned,” Kendall said. “Nitrofuranzone is a genotoxic substance. It can affect the DNA of cells and result in genetic toxicity that can possibly result in cancer. You don’t want to ingest it. That’s why the FDA has adopted a zero tolerance stance with it.”

Source: John W. Davis Texas Tech University


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