When the first trailer for Thor: Ragnarok dropped it, rightfully, blew the internet’s damn mind. Chris Hemsworth‘s God of Thunder was in the gladiator pit with the Hulk, Jeff Goldblum donning shiny blue makeup, Tessa Thompson as a warrior, and Cate Blanchett as an antlered Marvel villain – it was incredible...
Chris Hemsworth seems to still have a bit of a chip on his shoulder from being mostly excluded from Captain America: Civil War. Sure, he gets to be back with his buddies for Avengers: Infinity War, but he managed to take a little time during a break on set to work some of his frustrations out.
Wonder Woman just had a record-setting opening weekend. While everyone was at the theater watching her, the woman who plays the Amazonian princess, Gal Gadot, got into a back-and-forth on Twitter with the Asgardian God of Thunder over a question comics fans have debated for years: Who would win in a fight, Wonder Woman or Thor?
If you thought the first official photos of Thor: Ragnarok were wild, just wait till you get a taste of the new teaser trailer. The third solo outing for the God of Thunder isn’t just any new Marvel movie, but a distinctly Taika Waititi one. That means it’s going to be a heck of a lot more fun than you’d imagine.
We’ve still a long, long summer to go before SNL returns for Season 42 this fall, but if NBC keeps the cut sketches rolling, we might just make it. The latest picks up with Thor himself, Chris Hemsworth, as a cut short from his December outing puts Beck Bennett in a birthday roast gone horribly awry.
It’s okay to call Chris Hemsworth’s character in the new Ghostbusters movie big and dumb — those are his words, not mine. In a brilliant bit of casting, the actor sometimes known as Thor plays administrative assistant to Paul Feig’s ghost-busting crew, and a new featurette from the upcoming film will help you get to know Hemsworth and his earnestly goofy sense of humor (and ridiculous good looks, to be honest).
Early this morning, Sony Pictures relaunched the official site for Ghostbusters, the home of the original two movies, the cartoons and the upcoming reboot. Along with the relaunch, we got five new photos from the film, each highlighting one of the main characters from the movie, including our first look at Chris Hemsworth as the new Ghostbusters secretary. Eat your heart out, Janine Melnitz!
There’s a gigantic sea monster! There’s Chris Hemsworth’s muscular and skeletal frame! There’s harpoons and storms and dolphins and waves and adventure! There’s even a British man (played by Ben Whishaw) narrating the story as told by another very talented actor (Brendan Gleeson). By the sounds of it, In the Heart of the Sea must be a whale of a tale. But sadly, Ron Howard’s latest falls very short of its epic endeavors.
Chris Hemsworth certainly looks the part of a man who’s been stranded at sea; at least 30 pounds lighter than his Thor physique. The shabby clothes hang off him like a kid playing dress up with his parents’ clothes. Don’t get me wrong: behind the beard, the dirt and the sackcloths, Chris Hemsworth is still a pretty handsome dude (it’s almost not fair). I was able to speak with Hemsworth for a few moments about what it was like to build up all that muscle, lose it again, and then have to build it all back up.
SNL bounced back nicely from Donald Trump this past weekend with The Hunger Games star Elizabeth Banks, looking even bigger this coming Saturday with Matthew McConaughey and Adele, but December 2015 will really go all out. Our final three hosts of the year include Ryan Gosling, Chris Hemsworth (poor Liam), and best of all, a dual Sisters hosting with SNL alum Tina Fey and Amy Poehler.