Early this morning, Sony Pictures relaunched the official site for Ghostbusters, the home of the original two movies, the cartoons and the upcoming reboot. Along with the relaunch, we got five new photos from the film, each highlighting one of the main characters from the movie, including our first look at Chris Hemsworth as the new Ghostbusters secretary. Eat your heart out, Janine Melnitz!

There’s nothing particularly sexy about the photos below, except for Chris Hemsworth who is just so damned good looking. As a heterosexual male who is around the same age as Mr. Hemsworth, I find it extremely unfair that one person can be so good at looking so good.

Here’s a little background information on the new characters in the film, played by Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones:

— Erin Gilbert (Wiig), a particle physicist, academic firebrand, spectral warrior.
— Jillian Holtzmann (McKinnon), a nuclear engineer, munitions expert, and proton wrangler.
— Abby Yates (McCarthy), a paranormal researcher, supernatural scientist, and entity trapper.
— Patty Tolan (Jones), a ghost tracker, municipal historian, and metaphysical commando

In addition to the new web site and the new photos, director Paul Feig took to Twitter and said to expect the first Ghostbusters trailer at the end of the month.

Check out the photos below. Ghostbusters opens in theaters on July 15.

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