The City of Abilene Parks and Recreation division celebrates 'Parks and Recreation Month' with a one-day triple event. Everyone is invited to the "Party in the Park" festivities. This year's event will take place at Scarborough Park Friday July 14th.

Abilene city officials are planning to host many kid friendly games, splash pad, numerous food trucks and the movie "Sing" after dark in the park. Check out the 'Sing' movie trailer above and Abilene's Scarborough Park splash pad video below.




Date and Times

  • Friday, July 14th, 2017
  • 6 PM games, food trucks and festivities begin
  • 9 PM about dusk the movie will begin

More Info

  • Party in the Park, the Splash Pad and the Movie in the Park are free
  • Bring lawn chairs, blankets and snacks for the movie
  • Food trucks will cost
  • most activities will shut down at dusk

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