How Are We Supposed to Dispose of Dead Snakes Here in Texas?
With the warm weather here in Texas it tends to draw out the little creepy critters like scorpions, spiders, mice, rats, and my least favorite the snakes. These last two weeks I've been working on mowing my yard and cleaning out the backyard and storage sheds only to discover that the above-mentioned creepy critters are looking for a nice quiet place to hang out.
While I was at the very back of my property I came across a few scorpions, spiders, mice, and snakes. While the mice ran away the scorpions tried to challenge me and the spiders tried to be invisible. Then there were those few snakes that thought they would challenge me. Two were introduced to my combat boots and the other two were run over by a lawnmower.
The two that met their match with the lawnmower were easily disposed of, those that met my combat boot I had to find a way to rid myself of them. Being the resourceful person that I am, I decided to feed a big red ant bed at the other end of my property which was doing its part to keep wood-boring ants and termites away. It was my way of rewarding them.
LOOK: Here's What Awaits Us By Our Sheds
As I laid the snake on the ant mound, the alarm was sounded and the red ants came out to feast. I didn't give it much thought after that, until this past weekend when I checked to see how they did with the baby snake. The above photo tells me the ants ate well. All my earth-friendly friends and relatives were all impressed with my recycling job.
If you have a dead snake on your property, these are some general guidelines to go by for proper disposal According to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD):
- Leave it alone: If the snake is in a remote or natural area, it's often best to leave it undisturbed. Dead animals can provide food for other scavengers and contribute to the natural ecosystem.
- Burial: If you need to dispose of the snake, consider burying it in a location away from water sources and at least three feet deep to prevent scavengers from digging it up. This helps to return nutrients to the soil.
- Double bagging and trash disposal: If you are in an urban or residential area and burial is not an option, you can double bag the snake in heavy-duty trash bags and place it in your regular trash for pickup. Be sure to follow any local guidelines regarding the disposal of dead animals.
- Check local regulations: Local ordinances or homeowners' association rules may have specific requirements for the disposal of dead animals, including snakes. Before taking any action, check with your local authorities to ensure you are following the appropriate procedures.
LOOK: At These Creepie Critters Invading Our Space
Gallery Credit: Rudy Fernandez