Guns, Gun Shows, Hunting, Camping & Chocolate – Rudy’s Guilty Pleasures
I was recently asked "what are your guilty pleasures?" Confession time here (because I believe I'm a relatively simple man), I said "I don't think I have any." That's when my darling wife broke into a laughing fit. Okay I give, so I have a few "Guilty Pleasures" and here they are.
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I love guns, I love shooting guns (some I can do without like .50 cal.) I particularly love shooting rifles, from an old lever action .22 caliber to a bolt action .338 Lapua. I love fixing, customizing, taking apart and putting them back together again. Check out this video of me doing just that.
- Photo by: Rudy Fernandez
Photo by: Rudy Fernandez 2Gun Shows
This is one "guilty pleasure" that gets in deep trouble with my wife. I go to gun shows to get the latest scoop on guns, gadgets, gizmos, ammo and/or whatever's new in the firearm indystry. Gun shows to me are like a shoe shopping obsession with some women. You get the Idea, "oh wow, this woody camo AR-15 will match my new live oak camo shirt." It's like a vacation from reality
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If I lived anywhere near the Grand Tetons Wyoming, Montana, Colorado, Utah, Alaska, Cloudcroft NM or if I owned any kind of acreage here in Texas, I do believe I would spend every spare minute hunting and/or trapping. By the way, Texas is an awesome place to hunt, I'm just saying. Check out this, Texas hog hunting video.
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I guess I'm one of those so called "gadget campers." You know the kind, we have the latest tent, gizmo and gadget to make camping a more enjoyable experience. A couple of years ago I found this awesome tent that only takes two, two-armed guys 60 seconds to put it up, (it takes me about 7 minutes all by myself.) Check out the video.
- YouTube Chocolate Glock
YouTube Chocolate Glock 5Chocolate
I thought chocolate was one of the basic food groups, and does chocolate really count as one of my "guilty pleasures?" According to my wife and coworkers Shay and Dave? Yes! Okay, so I indulge myself into a little chocolate from time to time. I love dark chocolate, I like milk chocolate and I love this chocolate Glock 17. Lately I've been trying some of the sugar free chocolate, I only recommend sugar free chocolate, as a last resort. I do however, recommend chocolate covered bacon. And there lies yet another guilty pleasure.
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