Garage Sale and Silent Auction Fundraiser for Toddler With Cancer
Cancer is once again preying on a child. Carlos Martinez is a 3 year old little boy who has been struck with a Wilms Tumor. A garage sale and silent auction have been set up to help with mounting expenses.
Carlos was diagnosed with a Stage 4/5 Wilms Tumor, which is located in the abdomen and has spread to both kidney's and the lungs. He has begun chemo treatments in order to shrink the tumor for future removal.
Bills and medical expenses are growing and family friends have set up a garage sale/silent auction in order to provide some financial relief.
- Garage Sale/Silent Auction for Carlos Martinez
Date & Time:
- Saturday, August 15th
- 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
- The Place
- 401 Loop 322
- Abilene, Texas 79601
Other Info:
- Donations will accepted Monday-Thursday (8/10 - 8/13) from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm if you have anything you would like to add to the garage sale.
- Silent Auction items and Volunteers, to work the event, are needed. If you would like help out please contact Brandi Hofmann at 325-280-2021.
- Along with the garage sale and silent auction there will be kids activities, games, air castle, and snacks available