Texas DPS and the TDLR Have Issued a Memorial Day Safety Message
I was out on a Sunday drive to go visit a friend who mows my grandfather's lawn for me. While heading to his place on the far north side of Abilene, I encountered several law enforcement vehicles. It appeared that the different law enforcement agencies were on the hunt for something, just by the simple way they looked at every vehicle that passed by.
While parked at my friend's house things began to happen, lights came on, sirens could be heard, and it appeared the APD was working on one, while the DPS Trooper was working on another. As we sat in the front yard, I asked him what was going on and Randy said "This always happens prior to three day holiday weekend."
Come to find out one vehicle had no license plates, as for the DPS Trooper he was chasing down a speeder that opted to come off the freeway and into the neighborhood a little too fast. The Shefiff's Deputy that drove by was checking on a family down the street. The next day I get the press release from the TDLR and DPS.
Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Sergeant Couch along with the Texas Drivers Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) is Informing everyone of the increased patrolling that will be taking place in order to keep Texans safe this Memorial Day weekend. Beginning Thursday evening, May 25, and continuing through Tuesday morning, May 30th.
The Troopers, APD and SO are looking for drivers under the influence, unbuckled drivers and passengers, drivers on their cell phones, vehicles with no license plates, and those with no insurance. Sergeant Couch added, "Speeding is a significant contributor to the recent fatal car crashes on the West Texas roadways."So please play nice, buckle up, don't drink and drive, and be a safe, and courteous driver.
Remember to have fun and drive safely this Memorial Day weekend.