The Scooter Brown Band would like to to help out our returning troops by donating the download fees from their new Christmas song "A Soldier's Christmas Eve." All the money will be donated to the Lone Survivor Foundation (LSF). Scott Brown recorded a message for the bands fans in hopes of giving the LSF a financial boost this Holiday season. So, check out the message and the song, then download it to help out our troops.

It's "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all" from Scott Brown and the Scooter Brown Band as Scott gives us a brief explanation on how 100% of the band's download fees collected will be donated to "The Lone Survivor Foundation".

Scott Brown talks about the Lone Survivor Foundation

The Lone Survivor Foundation was established in 2010 by Retired Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell; awarded the Navy Cross after his actions during Operation RED WINGS which he describes in the NY Times best-seller, Lone Survivor, the Eyewitness Account of Operation RED WINGS and SEAL Team 10. His experience serves as the catalyst for the formation of the Foundation and his vision to give back to those who serve.

Source: The Lone Survivor Foundation website

If you would like to learn more about the LSF or to donate directly, go to the foundations website. The Lone Survivor Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to building a therapeutic ranch facility to support veterans and their families affected by post-traumatic stress disorder and serious combat injury. "Only the first 30 seconds of the song is in a ballad, then it changes to a full, positive uptempo song the rest of the way. My goal is to raise $10,000 to donate to the Foundation, so thanks in advance for all your help with the song and this very important project" says Scott Brown.


Here is the Scooter Brown Band with A Soldier's Christmas Eve

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