44% of Abilene Father’s Really Want A Hot Date for Father’s Day
Wow! I am really surprised at the results of the 'What do Men in Abilene Really Want for Fathers Day' poll. Interestingly enough, the majority of men in Abilene 44%, would rather have a hot date night with the wife, over a store-bought gift (your choice), homemade gift, homemade fathers-day card or a massage. What I did find interesting is that home-cooked meals ranked second. Here's the way the poll shakes out.
If you were thinking that golf clubs, shotguns or ties might be on dads mind, nothing could be further from the truth. A store bought gift did not get one single vote, yet my dads standard answer of wanting "nothing" for Fathers Day garnered 11% of the votes. here's the poll in order of popularity.
Hot Date Night 44.44%
Homemade Meal 22.22%
Nothing 11.11%
Kid Free Weekend 11.11%
Massage 11.11%
Store Bought Gift 0%
No Yard Work 0%
Homemade Card 0%
Homemade Gift 0%
If you are running short on cash or ideas this Fathers Day, no need to worry because dad is more interested in spending quality time with mom, without the kids and would prefer a home cooked meal over going out to eat.
So, do you think we should ask dads, what they want for Fathers Day? Or, should we just get dad what we want to get him anyway? Will you take these poll results into account?
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