
10 Amazing Hacks
10 Amazing Hacks
10 Amazing Hacks
Why couldn't these videos have been around when I was raising my eight kids? Back then all I had was Parenting Magazine. The first part of this video, actually used to happen to me with my rug-rats all the time (squeezing the juice boxes). Simply telling the kids to "hold the juice box's wings" actually works because I tried it with my grandchildren the other day. Check it out.
97 Year Old Grandpa Schools Rudy on How to Change a Tractor Tire
97 Year Old Grandpa Schools Rudy on How to Change a Tractor Tire
97 Year Old Grandpa Schools Rudy on How to Change a Tractor Tire
Over the Easter holiday weekend I spent some time with family. In fact, my wife Donna, our little girl Angie and I all went to Donna's grandma and grandpa Allison's house for Easter Sunday dinner. Over the course of the meal grandpa tells me that he has been working on his tractor and asked if I could help him locate a tire for his big Ford tractor. I told him I would take care of it and that he n