Listen to the entire interview with Texas State Rep. Burrows below.

On Tuesday, November 2 Texans across the state will head to the polls to decide on eight Texas Constitutional Amendments and other local issues including bond elections and City Council meetings depending on where you live.

State Representative Dustin Burrows recently appeared on The Chad Hasty Show to discuss the each Constitutional Amendment plus share his thoughts on the different amendments.

Perhaps one of the most controversial amendments on the ballot is Prop 2. According to the Texas Secretary of State's website, Proposition 2 will appear on your ballot like this:

“The constitutional amendment authorizing a county to finance the development or redevelopment of transportation or infrastructure in unproductive, underdeveloped, or blighted areas in the county.”

According to Rep. Burrows the people who are for this are well intentioned as there are places in counties that could use this provision. Burrows said he wouldn't try to convince anyone to vote for or against the measure.

For those who are opposed to Prop 2, Burrows says he understands their concerns.

The problem and concern that I have and many have is, could this be abused later on and could we have more debt? We already have a lot of municipal and local debt in this state and that turns into property taxes down the road.

Burrows did say that he was encouraging people to get out and vote for two of the amendments. Burrows told the audience that Propositions 3 and 6 were very important to him and that he would encourage all citizens to vote for those two.

You can get the full list of the Texas Constitutional Amendments on the ballot from the Texas Secretary of State's website. Listen to the full interview above.

Can You Guess These Towns From Their Satellite Photos?

I'm always down for a good brain challenge. This one however got the best of me.
It's always a fun time looking up address or cities and seeing them from a satellite point of view. You start pointing out landmarks and things you recognize.

One thing you don't account for however is something looking bigger or smaller than you seemed to think it was. So we started grabbing a bunch of these satellite pictures of cities and towns around Amarillo.

As we looked at them, we thought to ourselves, "how fun would this be to actually have to GUESS what these places are?". So away we went.

Go ahead and try to see how many you can guess correctly!

20 Texas Places We Have All Been Saying Completely Wrong

Top 15 Under the Radar Cities in Texas

Texas is booming, and as more people move here, they'll be looking at areas like Austin or Houston to settle down. There are plenty of others places they ought to consider, though.

Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau, along with data about home sales and public school ratings, Orchard recently ranked and graded the Top 15 Under the Radar Cities in Texas.

These are unexpectedly good places to make a life for yourself and your family in the Lone Star State. Did your hometown make the list?

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