The Sacred Heart Church in Abilene is Holding its Annual ‘Christmas Bazaar’ on December 1st and 2nd
It's that time of year, when civic clubs and church organization put on their Arts and Crafts fairs, Holiday Bazaars, Bake Sales and various Holiday shopping extravaganzas. The Women of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church will be hosting their annual 'Christmas Bazaar' on Saturday, December 1st and Sunday, December 2nd on the church property.
The Women of Sacred Heart Catholic Church hold this annual event, as a their main fundraising event in order to collect monies for a scholarship fund. Delia Vincent says "We give a scholarship to a graduating high school student that is a member of our parish. Whenever we have left over funds we give them the other inner-church organizations to help them with their goals." If you can imagine it, it will probably be available at the Sacred Heart Christmas Bazaar. Delia Vincent event coordinator said "we will have handmade arts & crafts, white elephant sale, food, a lot of bake goodies, and so much more. We will also have a raffle, plus Santa will join the Bazaar on Sunday Dec. 2nd please bring your family.
Sacred Heart Christmas Bazaar
Dates and Times
Saturday, December 1st, 8 AM till 5 PM
Sunday, December 2nd, 1 PM till 5 PM
Free of charge to get in.
More Info.
The raffle tickets are $1 a ticket or 6 tickets for $5.00. This is a family friendly event with plenty to shop and eat. Santa Claus will be available on Sunday throughout the day for photos with the kids.
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