10 Potential Red Flags for Anyone Thinking of Moving to Texas
Okay, I admit it, I'm a Texan through and through. Although I moved away in the early 2000s, I couldn't wait to get back to Texas. Nine months later, I was back on the red soil. To me, Texas is awesome because we lead the country in economic growth, we're #1 with new small businesses in America, and we're #1 in fiscal stability.

So when it comes to bragging about Texas, I'm never short on words. However, I hear about people who are moving to Texas from up north and are having a hard time adjusting. Below are a few things I'm told make it hard to adjust to living in Texas.
One of my closest friends is from way, way up north near the Michigan-Canadian border. He keeps telling me, "Twenty-eight degrees is not cold; that is like early spring weather back home!" He has also complained that the black-label Whataburger ketchup is too hot for human consumption, that our roads are torn up, and that Texans don't know how to drive.
So here is my compilation of things that might make red flags pop up to anyone who is NOT from Texas (according to my not-from-Texas friends). As more and more people move to the Lone Star State, I believe that much of the influx is due to the economy and conservative family values.
While Texas Is "politically conservative", I'm not talking about politics. I'm referring to old-fashioned family principles and values. Remember what we all say, "Don't Mess With Texas!"
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