Losing weight isn't hard, it's simply a matter of burning more calories than you take in. Losing weight doesn't have to be a pain. Here are some helpful tips.
Whether you're wanting to take some pounds off to fit into that swim suit this summer, or you just simply want to feel better, there are many ways to lose weight in Abilene.
I spend a good amount of time in the gym doing crunches and ab work. Are abdominal exercises the most effective way to lose my extra gut? It doesn't seem to be working -- Brian, 21, Austin, TX
If you're like most people, you've probably made a New Years resolution to lose weight. Unfortunately, most people – 80 percent – tap out before they really get started. To help you maintain your goal through 2012 and for years to come, we've compiled a list of tips the experts want you to know to get on the right track to weight loss.
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A group of Doctors, scientists and researchers conducted a two-year study of overweight and obese adolescent children (12 and 13 years old). The group tried to to modify dietary behavior by incorporating a web-based computer-tailored intervention program. The program aimed to increase physical activity, decrease sedentary behavior, and promote healthy eating among adolescents. The "FATaintPHA
It seems that the second you say those four little words at the table "I'm Having A Salad" your are transformed into a "I'm eating healthy guru", right? Nothing can be further from the truth. It's no secret I'm been dieting since the second year after I married my wife. Let state for the record Donna can cook! That's my first problem, my second is I can eat and finally just whe
This one is called the 17 Day Diet. I don't know if it works, lots of folks claim it does. I guess you having nothing to lose (except weight) and 17 days. It's all about what and how you eat and making your body process the foods you eat differently...