The warm season is here and so are all those unwanted creepy slithery critters. Beware, there are a lot of deadly snakes out looking to sun and a bite to eat.
When should you start training a puppy? I've always said wait until they're 6 months old. In this video a 12 week old French Bulldog teaches me different. The puppy named Brody Brixton proves that a few days of 'positive' reinforcement goes a long way.
Christmas time is hear and we are all getting excited to see friends and family that we haven't seen in awhile. Animals experience that same joy, but probably even more so.
These two kids will have you in tears when you watch this video of how emotional they got when they were given a puppy. Apparently their dad had said no pets. Until dad himself shows up, as the two siblings are doing their home work. Watch as the kids discover what dad brought home in the box.
The "Dear Kitten" commercials appear to be making a come back. The series of popular commercials are for a popular cat food. Nonetheless, I think these commercials are hilarious as the cat goes about educating the kitten as to the "new thing" running around in the house. The 'new thing' happens to be an adorable little puppy. Check it out.
There have been far too many stories in the news this summer about parents leaving their kids in the car while they go in and shop. This is not okay! We all know that a quick trip in the store can end up being much more than that.
We aren't sure what the best part of this video is. Is it when the monkey tries to eat the bird's head? Is it when the turtle bites the puppy's tongue? Is it when we got to write those two sentences because of this video? It's hard to say. All we know is never EVER put that many species on a table that small...
Door stops have multiple uses in the home. There number 1 task is to keep your doors from slamming into the wall and leaving a nice hole from the door knob. However, they are also wonderful dog sitting devices too.
Myself and most of my co-workers are huge animal lovers, so anything dealing with animals pulls at our heart strings. When I saw this video I had to share with everyone.