Outlaws & Legends Music Fest Announces New Charity Recipient and Date Change for the 3rd Annual Event
Do you remember this past September (sounds like a song lyric) when I blogged about the Outlaws and Legends Music Festival (OLMF) organizers announcing "we are looking for a new non-profit for our fundraiser event?" well that day was Thursday, October 11th, 2012. Along with the new charity being revealed the organizers announced new dates for the event too.
First off Mark Powell singer/songwriter and event founder announced that, the Ben Rickey Boys Ranch will be the beneficiary for the 2013 Outlaws and Legends Music Fest. Then the event organizers went on to reveal new dates for next years event.
Powell said "we received several worthy applications from Abilene-based nonprofits organizations. The decision to select the Ben Richey Boys Ranch as the benefactor was reached due to their increased need for direct operational support for the boys they serve, coupled with their strong desire and plans to co-market the event over the state of Texas"
Source: Event Founder Mark Powell
Powell, Backporch Productions and OLMF promoters announced March 22-23, 2013 as the dates for the 3rd Annual Outlaws and Legends Music Festival. "This weekend moves the festival back three weeks later than the previous years, and comes largely as a response to fan feedback. Besides the likely chance for warmer weather, and the fact students will be back from spring break and Austin’s South by Southwest Music Festival will be over, it also puts the festival one weekend before Good Friday" Powell said.
Details on the 3rd Annual Outlaws & Legends Music Festival were not made public, as Mark and the rest of the organizers remained tight lipped about who will perform at next years big event. One thing is for sure Mark Powell and Lariat are scheduled to play the weekend of March 22nd and 23rd, 2013. Stay tuned there's more to come.
This is when the organizers first asked for non-profits to come forward.
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