Nashville Songwriter Says Justin Moore Stole the Song ‘Backwoods’ [VIDEO]
The word hit the streets today that, Justin Moore allegedly stole the song 'Backwoods' from another Nashville songwriter several years ago. According to the lawsuit that was filed in district court in Nashville Tennessee, songwriter Bobby Carmichael and his friend Britton Curry say, their song is almost identical to 'Backwoods' with the same lyrics, pitch and rhythm as Justin’s hit song. The song Backwoods has already logged over 250,000 downloads and went to the top of the charts. What does Moore and his record company have to say?
Well, for now "no comment" is the official word from the "Backwoods" camp. However, the record company, Justin Moore, his management and the two accusatory songwriters are set to meet and discuss a possible out of court settlement. A pretrial discussion is scheduled in twang-town Tennessee on Monday, October 1st. Bobby Carmichael and his fiddle-playing buddy Britton Curry are asking for $150,000 cash for each count of infringement, and they'll make this all go away. Stay tuned I believe there's more to this story and we'll keep you posted.
In the mean time enjoy Justin Moore singing the alleged stolen song, 'Backwoods'