Kids Get to Experience the Thrill of Flight at Abilene’s Young Eagles Day
The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) has a program, for children 8-17, called Young Eagles with the purpose of developing the next generation of aviators. Young Eagles Day is set aside to allow these kids the opportunity to go flying in a general aviation airplane.

Best of all, these flights are absolutely free for these kids; all thanks to the generosity of EAA members and volunteers.
This is a great opportunity for area kids that have always wanted to fly but have never had the chance. Heck, it's open for everyone, including kids that have flown before, too.
EAA Chapter 471 has a Young Eagles Day coming up this Saturday, June 11th at Abilene Regional Airport EEA Hangar 3 from 9 am until 1 pm.
This is really an incredible event and just know that all flights will be made with experienced licensed pilots.
My buddy, Jeff, is one of the pilots in this program and he told me that last year (2021) they took up 126 kids (and even a couple of adults).
So, make plans to take your kids out to Abilene Regional Airport this Saturday so they can become a Young Eagle...for FREE. Just head to the EAA 471 hangar (hangar 3) at the northwest side of Abilene Regional, just off loop 322. Just look for the hanger with blue and white trim. That, and there will be plenty of signs to point you in the right direction.
Pre-registration is recommended, but walk-ups will be accepted.
Also, by attending the Young Eagles Day, this Saturday, you'll be able to find out about other future Young Eagle events.
Again, this event is absolutely free for kids between 8 and 17. However, those kids will need a parent or guardian to register. For more information, please call Bobby Richardson at 325-660-0230.
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