Remembering When Gary Morris Dedicated ‘Faith and Freedom’ To Our Military
This fourth of July and every other fourth, I remember when the man that gave us the "Wind Beneath My Wings", honored the men and women of our military with his song. Gary Morris dedicate his song, “Faith and Freedom” to the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. It's Morris' July 4th thank you to our troops.
Gary says, “It is with pride that I dedicate the title cut of the album, "Faith and Freedom", to the members of the U.S. military”. This song was released initially to only, the members of the armed services around the world to honor their bravery and sacrifice. Military enlisted and their families received a free complimentary download of the single.
As we celebrate our nation's independence on July 4th, it’s a great time to say thank you to America’s military. These men and women in uniform, now and throughout history, have dedicated their lives to uphold our inalienable rights – life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
“As we spend the holiday with family and friends, I ask that you take time to reflect and to thank the members of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard who continue to assure us our faith and freedom.”
source: Gary Morris Press Statement
It's been said that "his voice is like that of an angel", and he shows it in the video above.