Andy Rooney To Step Down From “60 Minutes” At Age 92 [VIDEO]
Andy Rooney doesn't mince words. He tells it like it is and as of Sunday he will step down from his weekly appearances on "60 Minutes". This is a show he has been a part of since 1978. He is 92 years old.
His segment is called "Few Minutes" Rooney has written over 1000 essays and delivered them as part of the show since he began the job in 1978. That's 62 years!! His last essay will be delivered on Sunday nights show and will be preceded by a look back at his career in an interview with Morley Safer.
He's covered everything you can imagine from politics, music, finances, entertainment, celebrities, the list goes on. He has an opinion about everything and he doesn't hold back on letting you know where he stands. The word curmudgeon keeps coming up when anyone describes Rooney.
He's had a special knack for taking those little quirks and pet peeves we hall have and turning them into a great little story generally in about 2 1/2 minutes. You may not always agree with Rooney on his rants but you can't deny he's probably made you stop and think about something, anything, at one time or another.
So will you miss Rooney's segments? What or who do you think should replace Rooney and his segment?
Rooney did a lengthy interview with Archive of American Television about how he got started in this business and on "60 Minutes". Saying that he had talked to producers at the time about doing a piece or commentary about just ordinary everyday things. Apparently they took to the idea, and it's continued for 62 years since! I say that was a pretty good decision.
For more information on Andy Rooney's retirement and "60 Minutes" check out their Facebook page.