TSTC is Allowing Some Students Back on Campus
Texas State Technical College has started allowing a limited number of students back on campus as early as last week. Only those students that are required to do hands-on lab work in order to finalize their semester and get ready to graduation are allowed on campus.
Students and faculty alike are asked to practice social distancing and to wear face and hand coverings at all times. Many of the students say they're glad to be back on campus and are excited to be able to have the interaction with classmates.
Programs that require hands-on instruction that cannot be delivered online can continue to be delivered, but in strict accordance with CDC guidelines. A Diesel Equipment Technology student said “It is good to be back in the groove again.” A Welding student at the Sweetwater campus was also excited to be back, stating that he did not do any welding at home and that “it is important that I improve my cutting and torch skills with hands on experience.”
For more information about how TSTC has prepared to return students back to on campus studies, visit their TSTC Coronavirus website. For more information on enrollment, visit TSTC.edu.
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