The Abilene Area Has A Plentiful Supply Of Gun and Rifle Ranges

As an avid hunting/shooting sportsman, gunsmith, and firearms enthusiast, I was surprised when I started researching where all the gun and rifle shooting ranges are around the Abilene area. Wow, was what came out of my mouth when I discovered that we had more than just three gun and rifle shooting ranges in and around Abilene.
I was even more surprised to discover that most are open to the public (a couple are LEO). If you're wanting to practice for your handgun license or sight in a rifle or even trying to get the feel of a new shotgun. there are plenty of places to do that right here in the Big Country.
The coolest part was that there are several that are indoor with some really cool amenities (I'll explain shortly) and a good percentage of them that are outdoors. As for the amenities, one indoor gun range has a "help yourself" coffee pot, and another has the owner's wife's purse, shoe, and clothing store inside when you first walk in (in Anson).
LOOK: The Abilene Area Has A Lot Of Gun and Rifle Shooting Ranges
As for most of these gun and rifle ranges, you'll find that most have their own License To Carry (LTC) classes, gun safety courses, and first-time gun ownership classes that are taught there.
As for the License To Carry courses, I found that a lot of the range owners or the person teaching the classes are either law enforcement or retired law enforcement officers. The best part is that if you are a first-timer or an old hand at gun safety, there is always a range master close by to help if you get in a jam or rather your gun jams.
The most important this is to PRACTICE GUN SAFETY AT ALL TIMES, and if you don't know gun safety most range masters are ready and willing to teach you. One other important fact is that all laws will be followed and or enforced like in 'minors with handguns', illegal or unsafe firearms.
Gun and rifle rangers are places to practice safety, improve your gun handling, and have fun while doing it. The video below shows proper shooting range safety and etiquette. The first rule is? BE SAFE. T
Source: SpetOutside.org.
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