It's really pretty simple, I've learned it from my trainers that in order to maintain a healthy weight I need to burn more calories than I'm taking in.
The Mayor's Council on Physical Fitness is asking Abilene to get 'on the move'. The goal is to make a move towards a healthier you. A simple way to do that is to just get walking even if it's a few minutes at a time. The Abilene on the Move day is set for Friday, October 10th.
We’ve all been warned about the dangers of using our cell phones while driving. But did you know phone usage when you’re simply walking can make you accident-prone, too?
In recent years, health advocacy groups have recommended walking a minimum of 10,000 steps a day to stay fit.
And although all that pavement-pounding does help keep your weight down, researchers have found it doesn’t make people stronger or improve their balance and agility.