
Amazing ‘Star Wars’ Inspired Tattoos
Amazing ‘Star Wars’ Inspired Tattoos
Amazing ‘Star Wars’ Inspired Tattoos
It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of 'Star Wars'. In fact, I'm such a huge fan, I've been wanting to get a tattoo of one of the greatest villains in movie history -  Darth Vader. Well, while surfing the net for some pictures for reference, I stumbled across some of the most amazing tattoos by other 'Star Wars' fans that you'll ever see.
Miss Kansas Theresa Vail First Contestant to Show Tattoos During Miss America Pageant
Miss Kansas Theresa Vail First Contestant to Show Tattoos During Miss America Pageant
Miss Kansas Theresa Vail First Contestant to Show Tattoos During Miss America Pageant
I've noticed lately that more people have tattoos than ever before, especially women. It should be no surprise then that a beauty contestant would have them as well. However, it's been almost 'taboo' for a so called beauty queen to have a tattoo, at least one that is visible, until now that is. Miss Kansas, Theresa Vail is making headlines because of her refusal to cover her rather large tattoos d
10 Extreme Patriotic Tattoos
10 Extreme Patriotic Tattoos
10 Extreme Patriotic Tattoos
With July 4th coming up, a lot of us are getting in the patriotic spirit with firework GIFs and festive food. But you know what? Celebrating 'merica doesn't only have to happen once every July. These people are showing off their patriotism year round!
13 Tattoos That Make Us Go ‘Whaat!?’
13 Tattoos That Make Us Go ‘Whaat!?’
13 Tattoos That Make Us Go ‘Whaat!?’
Of course we know tattoos are permanent, which means the tattooed should usually opt for a design they wouldn't mind having well into their twilight years. Luckily for us though, a lot of people don't think that through and go for the weird. Like, really weird.
10 Ridiculously Regrettable Disney Tattoos
10 Ridiculously Regrettable Disney Tattoos
10 Ridiculously Regrettable Disney Tattoos
Since tattoos are permanent and all, it's pretty important to choose a design you'll want to have for the rest of your life. The thing is, sometimes people don't exactly think about the whole 'forever' part of inking, and that's where hilarity comes prancing in.

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