
Santa Coming to Abilene
Santa Coming to Abilene
Santa Coming to Abilene
As a kid, there is just not quite anything that can compare to meeting Santa Claus to tell him what you want for Christmas, and to snap a few pictures.  Well, the wait is over as Santa makes his grand entrance with a parade through the Mall of Abilene this Saturday (November 17th).
Wynonna Performs With Santa At Make A Wish Event [VIDEO]
Wynonna Performs With Santa At Make A Wish Event [VIDEO]
Wynonna Performs With Santa At Make A Wish Event [VIDEO]
This Years annual Christmas Make-A-Wish party kicked off with breakfast and a very famous person, Santa! Wynonna Judd admitted that sometimes it's not all about her and after watching the kids interact with the Macy's Santa Claus, she realized that there was someone far more famous than her in the room.
‘Send a Call from Santa’ to Keep Kids in Line… or to Have a Little Holiday Fun
‘Send a Call from Santa’ to Keep Kids in Line… or to Have a Little Holiday Fun
‘Send a Call from Santa’ to Keep Kids in Line… or to Have a Little Holiday Fun
Parents have been using the threat of Santa’s “naughty or nice” list for so long now that it may be losing its strength, so the nice folks at Google stepped in to help. Enter a little information at Send a Call from Santa and your little one will get a voicemail from the North Pole denizen himself. You can customize it to be as personal as you like, including details like the child’s name, gender