There is nothing more adorable than these puppies discovering ice cubes. They eat them, roll around with them and get them stuck to their paws and it's adorable.
If you've ever owned a puppy you know it can be a daunting task to potty train them. They have to learn to hold it, not go on the carpet and to let you know when they need to go outside. That's a lot of stuff for a puppy.
Animals become so much a part of our families we often treat them as if they were human. Apparently, they to believe they are human. These dogs in this video make wonderful parent substitutes/baby sitters.
I don't know what you were planning on doing for the rest of today, but you can put it off until tomorrow. Someone has set up the most adorable live webcam, and these puppies aren't getting any younger.
Just when you thought CarMax raised the bar of cuteness with their "Slow Bark" commercial, Budweiser's Super Bowl 2014 commercial went and melted our hearts.
These animals know what's up. They know your secret. They know you're in on the joke. They know how to close their eyes one at a time. They know how to be adorable. They know how to wink.
Okay, maybe we shouldn't say "playing with puppies." Maybe we should say "tolerating being pestered by puppies." Regardless ... SQUEEEE!! It's no secret that we love capybaras (proof), and Cheesecake likes to foster puppies at the animal rescue where she lives...
Just as the Puppy Bowl sits as the heavily popular (or pupular) alternative to America's favorite Sunday night time-waster the Super Bowl, Conan O'Brien once again introduced his own alternative to watching his own show.
Puppies and babies top our list of the cutest things in the entire world. They're both pint-size bundles of adorableness that instantly distract us in any given situation (see: tiny puppies or videos of munchkins). But did you know there's something out there even better than said distractions? Even more charming than dogs or tots? Well there is, and it comes in the form of babies being best frien