With Halloween around the corner, you can expect every kind of prank in the book being pulled on unsuspecting victims. But, this one may be one of the creepiest of all-time.
Watch as some of his fans think they are auditioning for a commercial about the WWE star when suddenly the real John Cena burst through the background, complete with trumpets blaring the theme music.
Do you remember the video of the two brothers that were fighting over taking a simple picture for their mom on Mothers Day? You recall the infamous line "put on a tie!" Only for his brother to return wearing a tie over his crappy t-shirt? Well brother Tucker is back and he's put together a few Christmas Prank Ideas.
What would you do if some knucklehead got on the elevator with you, carrying boxes of killer bees, then drops them on the floor? Well, freak out of course. That's exactly what these people did with this epic 'killer bee' prank.
It's Halloween time which not only means candy, trick or treating and parties, but people scaring the heck out of other people. Watch this prank that doesn't sit well with others as they are terrified of the 'Human Chair Prank'.
Can a Vent-A-Hood be so powerful that it can suck up an adult? This prank will have you believing it can. I can't stop laughing, had they pulled this prank on me, I might have soiled myself. Check it out.