After every storm locals always know how to capture the most beautiful photos of our El Paso skyline which shows that even after a crazy storm, El Paso is still a beauty.
As you probably know I will be getting married next Spring and I'm taking you along for the adventure. The topic this time is photography. We will look at whats popular, pricing and studios in Abilene.
This is the reason why the internet exists. Okay, maybe *technically* the internet exists so scientists could more easily exchange research and publications, but we're not scientists, so this will do for us. We really don't want to spoil the surprise, but website Look At This Photograph will take any picture on the internet, and simultaneously make it a million times better AND worse.
There are people who can take photographs and it means nothing they are just pictures. Then there are people who know how to use a camera like an artist uses a paintbrush and come up with some fascinating photographs that are more like works of art. That is exactly what Natsumi Hayashi does, she is a Japanese woman with an eye for some great photographs that have been dubbed "flying girl pho