If your love life seems to be slowing down or down-right dragging, it may be what you are eating. These nine foods will help lift up your spirits and your sex life.
Halloween is here ,and as a parent I have one main concern, Halloween candy. It's not that I'm totally against it, it's that my child gets so hyper every time she consumes any extra sugar. So what is a parent to do? I don't want to deprive her of it because that causes the "forbidden fruit complex." While researching this, I discovered a few ways to make Halloween 2011 as struggle-free a
There are some things we have been told are bad for us that turn out are really the opposite. Thank goodness I don't have to give up my friends or chocolate!
So we all want to live long, healthy, happy lives but how do we do that? I ran across some pretty good tips, they may not add 20 years to your life span but it will help give you a little extra time on this planet.