
Wylie Project Graduation Has Unique Fundraiser
Wylie Project Graduation Has Unique Fundraiser
Wylie Project Graduation Has Unique Fundraiser
Schools are always finding new ways to raise money for events. Some sell coupon cards, candles, cookie dough or candy. Then you run across something that is unique and fun. Recently, we were 'dumped' on by Wylie Project Graduation. Read on and I'll explain!
The Benefit Fundraiser for 16 Month Old Addison Grace is Jan. 31st – Feb. 2nd in Abilene
The Benefit Fundraiser for 16 Month Old Addison Grace is Jan. 31st – Feb. 2nd in Abilene
The Benefit Fundraiser for 16 Month Old Addison Grace is Jan. 31st – Feb. 2nd in Abilene
  Addison Grace is a 16 month old little girl that has been fighting to stay alive. She was born with a very rare heart defect and at 3 months old, Addison underwent open heart surgery. One month later she was diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer called "Fibrosarcoma" and she's still fighting for her life. A benefit fundraiser, auction and raffle has been set up to help Addison's mo
Cactus Lions Club Hosting 36th Annual Spaghetti Supper at Abilene High School February 9th
Cactus Lions Club Hosting 36th Annual Spaghetti Supper at Abilene High School February 9th
Cactus Lions Club Hosting 36th Annual Spaghetti Supper at Abilene High School February 9th
The 36th annual Cactus Lions Club and John Massey Memorial Spaghetti Supper will take place at the Abilene High School cafeteria. The Lions Club brags that they have a "famous secret spaghetti sauce," Pete Beretta says that the real secret is in how he infuses the garlic and butter onto the bread, being that he is in charge of and CEO of the "bread buttering and browning." Read
The Little Masterpieces Art Show Returns to Abilene’s Center for Contemporary Arts Dec. 7th [GALLERY]
The Little Masterpieces Art Show Returns to Abilene’s Center for Contemporary Arts Dec. 7th [GALLERY]
The Little Masterpieces Art Show Returns to Abilene’s Center for Contemporary Arts Dec. 7th [GALLERY]
The Little Masterpieces Art Show is back this year as the Artist members of The Center for Contemporary Arts (TCCA) have created their 'Little Masterpieces' to fill your Christmas stockings. These little works of art make great gifts and all the art is affordable with some pieces starting at only $35. This fundraiser for The Center is scheduled for December 7th, with the reception starting at 5:30
The Church of Heavenly Rest in Abilene Hosts ‘The Nocturne Project’ a Chamber Concert November 17th.
The Church of Heavenly Rest in Abilene Hosts ‘The Nocturne Project’ a Chamber Concert November 17th.
The Church of Heavenly Rest in Abilene Hosts ‘The Nocturne Project’ a Chamber Concert November 17th.
The Church of Heavenly Rest in Abilene and the Abilene Philharmonic present "The Nocturne Project" a concert series which began last year. The series of chamber concerts will feature the tremendous talent found on the orchestras stage without the need for a conductor. The Nocturne Project forces the musicians to work together and to listen more intently all the while challenging them to
Abilene Church Has Live Music Fundraiser for New Playground This Saturday
Abilene Church Has Live Music Fundraiser for New Playground This Saturday
Abilene Church Has Live Music Fundraiser for New Playground This Saturday
The Wylie Christian Church is a church that I've often referred to, as the little church on the hill. So when I was asked by Jon and Don a couple of church elders, to help get the word out, I jumped at the chance. Wylie Christian Church is in dire need of a "real playground" for the children, so the church is hosting a party of with lots of live bands this Saturday, September 29th from 2
Today’s Country Stars Give Back to the Charities
Today’s Country Stars Give Back to the Charities
Today’s Country Stars Give Back to the Charities
Today's country stars share the wealth. Most of the singers and songwriters are always giving back to their favorite charities by hosting and/or performing live at concerts. Some of those country stars volunteer to work or sit on the board in an advisory position. Giving back to charities seems to be growing, especially in Nashville or shall I say with the country genre. It's not just the big name