The state of Texas is still affected by the CrowdStrike outage that took place last week. Some Driver's License officers remain closed due to the issue. Here's what is known.

Some Driver's License Offices In Texas Closed Until Further Notice

Per MySanAntonio, certain offices in the state are unable to help Texans. This is due to the previously mentioned CrowdStrike issue that happened last week. As revealed by a comment from Texas DPS:

“The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) continues to be impacted by the global CrowdStrike incident...CrowdStrike has confirmed that this is not a security incident or cyberattack but is related to a defect in a content update for Windows hosts.”

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Texas DPS also reported, at the time of writing, that some offices would not be open until the situation is resolved. Some offices mentioned were ones that were located in courthouses, or more rural parts of the state.

Texas DPS Assisting In Alerting Texans Of The Problem

MySanAntonio reports that Texas DPS is contacting those affected by the problem at hand. the biggest one being the cancellation of many appointments with the network still facing problems.

In addition to Driver's License offices in the state having issues, The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles is also facing problems. As seen on the website for the organization, at the time of writing:

"The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles has restored system operations following Friday’s global tech outage. All Regional Service Centers are open today. We continue working with county tax offices to restore their operations statewide."

As this is a developing story, we will have more information when it becomes available.

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