Young Texans Don’t Love Driving, Will This Change Public Transportation?
I'm not alone in my lack of enthusiasm for driving the roads and highways of Texas. It's a Millenial and Gen-Z thing, y'all.
The hesitation is understandable, as Texas has 5 of the top 25 cities for dangerous drivers. It can seem like your life is on the line whenever you hit the road.
Luckily, I have a significant other who doesn't mind driving when we are together, but I'm still responsible for my solo journeys. Sometimes I even shell out for an Uber to avoid the chore.
While I have no intention of getting rid of my car (at least until the wheels fall off), if public transportation was easy and affordable in my area of Texas, I would utilize it. However, Texas is just not built that way...yet.
In larger cities, many residents are finding ways to go car-free, utilizing buses, light rail, Uber, bikes and even just walking. However, many parts of Texas are unaccommodating, if not downright hostile to people without cars, as you can see in the TikTok video:
Young people are waiting longer to get their licenses, with the number of 16-year-olds- with a licenses down by 27% since the year 2000. With a lack of sidewalks and crosswalks, it appears many areas of Texas are not prepared for a major wave of non-drivers in the workforce.
However, there is some hope on the horizon, thanks to the 2024 Unified Transportation Program a, "10-year, $100 billion plan includ[ing] improvements to highways, public transportation, rail, and freight."
I do not doubt that most of that funding will go toward car-centric projects like widening highways, but here's hoping they set some aside for some sidewalks, and maybe a bus or two.
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