Should Texans Ban Sitting On Santa’s Lap?
Santa is a jolly, wonderful guy, and is usually played by jolly, wonderful people.
Here's How The Discussion Started
A recent news story told of an excited little girl waiting to see Santa. When it was here turn she was still excited but did not want to sit on Santa's lap. The Santa kindly responded that it was not necessary. The girl was praised for "taking ownership" over her own body and making his decision.
Is This A Bit Much?
It sure sounds a little snowflake-y at first, but when you think about it, it's probably past the time that we have this discussion. First, as noted, this is a step in the right direction for the child. Next, you have NO idea who is under that Santa costume. I'd venture to say that nearly 100% of these Santas are good people, but you just never know.
Look At It In Context
Over the past few years, there has been a national discussion about "Drag Queen Story Hours" (which seem to have dried up). It's hard for me to believe that a man in makeup reading a book is more dangerous than someone in a costume saying they'll give you presents if you sit on thier lap.
Always Watch Your Kids
The key to the Santa Lap scenario comes down to good parenting in general. This may seem like common sense, but how many pictures have you seen of kids terrified to be handed to a loud stranger in a red suit? Your child and the situation need to be monitored VERY closely, it just may not be worth it to traumatize your child for one-holiday picture.
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