Beware. Proceed with caution if you're grossed out easily. I know I was.

It was a beautiful Easter morning. Things were off to a great start. I had slept well the night before and woke up to a delicious cup of coffee. The weather was just too awesome to stay inside so I decided to go for a walk in my neighborhood. My ear pods were good to go and I was off. I had gone a good half mile when I noticed something up ahead.

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I normally don't pay attention to anything specific while I walk. To be honest with you, I kind of zone out with my music thinking about the day's events or maybe some things on my to-do list that I need to get tackled. In any case, on this day, I looked up and saw something in the distance that was black in color. It looked like a lump in someone's yard.

Photo: Shelley Edmondson/Canva
Photo: Shelley Edmondson/Canva

As I walked closer I noticed it had hair. Oh man, I thought. It's somebody's dead pet, a dog of some sort. That's a bummer. Not one of the things I wanted to see first thing in the morning. The closer I came to this mystery object, the more I could make out what it was. I was wrong, it's not a dead dog or even a cat.

Photo: Brad Elliott
Photo: Brad Elliott

It turns out that what I stumbled across was a feral hog's head. Snout and all. The body was missing. The only thing that remained was the head. Weird, right? Did I just walk into some satanic stuff going down in my neighborhood? Is there some meaning I'm not picking up on? Talk about something that you don't see every day. Every fly in the area was swarming the scene so I was out of there.

In reality, I imagine what probably happened is a feral hog tangled with the wrong animal, and its head was dragged and left. But, who knows? One thing is for sure, you never know what you're going to see in Abilene these days. I certainly wasn't planning on this.

I enjoy going on strolls around the neighborhood There's a bunch to see and it's good exercise. Plus, they're free which is always a plus. Nowadays it's hard to find affordable things to do. Believe it or not, there are low-cost and fun activities you can do right here in Abilene. Just scroll below and check it out.

13 Fun Things to Do in Abilene on a Budget

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