The temperatures in Texas seem to have finally cooled down. Fall is in the air. The weather lately has me wanting to get out of the house more. A good hike somewhere sounds like just the ticket. I was talking to a co-worker about this when she suggested the old abandoned zoo in Cisco Texas that is now a hiking trail.

After hearing about the Cisco Zoo a while back, it's had me intrigued ever since. This zoo was visited by many when it operated in the 1920s and 1930s. There's just something about old, abandoned areas that I love. I think it's because I like to explore. In any case, this sounds like the perfect place to spend a couple of hours. If you've never hiked this trail, round up the family and give it a go. Maybe I'll see you out there. Keep scrolling for a virtual tour.

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Photo: Jana Keyes
Photo: Jana Keyes

A short jaunt east on I-20 is Cisco, Texas. Conrad Hilton bought his first hotel here. It's a bustling small town with a lot to offer, including outdoor activities and some good shopping. Also home to Slowpoke Farm Market and Red Gap Brewing.


Photo: Jana Keyes
Photo: Jana Keyes

The Old Zoo Nature Trails make for a good place to take in the great outdoors. Sit and ponder life.


Photo: Jana Keyes
Photo: Jana Keyes

There's an easy path to follow with old signs still left behind.


Photo: Jana Keyes
Photo: Jana Keyes

This trail has it all. Look out for tight spaces.


Photo: Jana Keyes
Photo: Jana Keyes

Get in on some good cardio too. There are plenty of stairs on this hike.


Photo: Jana Keyes
Photo: Jana Keyes

Bring the whole family. The kids will love climbing the rocks.


Photo: Jana Keyes
Photo: Jana Keyes

Take in the view. There's plenty of roaming for the whole family to do.


Photo: Jana Keyes
Photo: Jana Keyes

The path through this once-thriving zoo is lined with old cages, caves and caverns.


Photo: Jana Keyes
Photo: Jana Keyes

I can't wait to give this trail a try. Looks like it'd be a great day away from home. For another visitor's perspective, check out this article in Texas Monthly. It's fun to imagine back when the zoo was actually in operation. Unfortunately, the zoo was not long-lived. A bear was poisoned in an unsolved crime, and other animals did not fare well being captive in that area.

Care needs to be taken with all animals, and it starts with pets at home. It seems the more exotic the pet, the more time and energy it consumes. Believe it or not, there are some pretty exotic animals you can own in the state of Texas. For a look at which ones, see below.

Here's Some Of The Exotic Animals You Can Own In Texas

Shockingly, Texans can legally own these exotic animals--provided you've filled out the massive amounts of paperwork required.

Gallery Credit: Sarah Clark

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