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When I first found out about this awesome event taking place right here in our city I was blown away. I immediately wanted to jump right in and help out. It's about helping children with cancer right here in the Lone Star State.

The event is called "Erase Kid Cancer" and it's being put on by a store in downtown Abilene called Lone Star Dry Goods. This event is benefiting the Cook Children's Medical Center in Fort Worth Texas. This event is an acoustic concert series taking place at the Ice House at 173 Walnut Street in downtown Abilene.

Photo by: Ted Evans
Photo by: Ted Evans

The acoustic erase kids cancer concerts will be held every Thursday beginning at 7 PM through the month of September. All proceeds will benefit the Cook children's Medical Center in Fort Worth to help kids and families who have kids with cancer.

The owner of Lone Star Dry Goods is a long-time acquaintance of mine, his name is Ted Evans and he has a child with cancer at Cook Children's Hospital, thus the reason he's putting on the #EraseKidCancer event. When I first learned about the concert series I knew I want to help in some way.

The concert series will feature Darrell Dodd on September 1st, Max and Heather Stalling on September 8th, Jack Ingram on September 15th, Tommy Alverson on September 22nd, and Walt Walkins on September 29th.

So if you're looking for some food, beverages, and music this will be a perfect combination, and you'll be helping out children with cancer at Cook Children's Medical Center in Fort Worth. Tickets start at $50 and may be purchased online at Lone Star Dry the Ice or at the door at 173 Walnut Downtown Abilene.

Once again, proceeds from this acoustic series will benefit the children with cancer at Cook Children's Hospital. Please Help.


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