Two Abilene Police Officers Are Awarded the Medal of Valor
Abilene Police Chief Stan Stanridge had the honor of awarding two of his officers with the prestigious Medal of Valor, Wednesday. The recipients were Officers Jerod Daniel and Cory Davis.
While on patrol Oct. 2016, both officers saved the life of Marjorie Pardue who laid unconscious in her apartment that was on fire. The officers used a garden hose to slow the flames and reduce the smoke as they entered the apartment to extract Ms. Pardue.
Chief Stanridge said "the actions of Officers Daniel and Davis saved the life of Ms. Pardue. They should both be recognized and honored for their actions that exemplify what it is to be a first responder and an Abilene Police Officer.
Officer Davis had been with the Abilene Police Department for seven years, while Daniel had been with the APD just under a year when it all happened. The video below shows a young Officer Jarod Daniel in the Abilene Police Academy.
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