UPDATE: Chorus Abilene Changes Abilene Idol to a Virtual Event
UPDATE: 9/1/2020
This years 2020 Chorus Abilene's Celebrity Edition of 'Abilene Idol' will not be held in as an "in person" event but will be a "virtual" presentation on the Abilene Idol's Facebook page and will be a "Facebook Live" presentation. No dinner show for 2020 however, one can still purchase a ticket as a donation to Chorus Abilene.
The Abilene Idol Celebrity Edition competition has been rescheduled to September 12th, 2020 due to the coronavirus. Chorus Abilene Director Dona Morgan says "this event is the single biggest fundraiser for Chorus Abilene and promises to be the most entertaining and fun."
The 'Abilene Idol Celebrity Edition' features about a dozen performers that are well known to Abilene and in the entertainment community. Those local celebrities that are competing include: Jason Kerby, Melissa Harrell, Vance, Rush and Jett Long, Tony Melnyk, Scot Miller, Inger Nordby, Pam Smith, Victoria Spangler, Randy Williams and last years winner Mason Kerby.
To purchase tickets and help donate to Chorus Abilene this year, one can still call 325-673-7464 or go online at AbileneIdol.net and purchase a 'ticket-in-kind' as most Abilene charities have struggled to raise funds in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. There will not be a dinner show this year.
The above video shows the Chorus Abilene Celebrity Edition of the 2015 Abilene Idol competition the winner was, Isaac Donaldson.