We've received submissions from all over the country in our second Backyard Concert Contest, and now it's time to vote on who will receive a private show with Aaron Watson!

We asked our listeners/readers to submit to us pictures showing us "That Look," after Aaron Watson's newest single. We've received dozens of great pics, and now we need you to decide whose is the best and will receive a private acoustic concert with Aaron Watson himself.

You can vote every 12 hours. If you try to vote within the 12 hours, the poll will not let you. But be sure and keep coming back twice per day to vote, and the real key to winning is to SHARE, SHARE, SHARE. Facebook, Twitter, knocking on doors, whatever you gotta do. And remember a little bribery goes far, you can invite up to TWENTY of your friends, so put 'em to work!

Our grand prize winner will receive: 1. An autographed copy Aaron Watson’s brand new album The Underdog. 2. Aaron Watson merchandise. 3. One pair of Tony Llama boots. 4. A backyard acoustic concert from Aaron Watson for you and your friends and family at YOUR house!

Second and third place: 1. An autographed copy of Aaron Watson’s brand new album Underdog. 2. Aaron Watson merchandise.

But that’s not all. Since Aaron’s new album will be called The Underdog, we’ve decided we will also have an underdog winner. The person with the least amount of votes will also receive Aaron Watson’s brand new album Underdog autographed, as well as Aaron Watson merchandise.

Voting ends at 11:59 p.m. CST on Sunday, Jan. 4. Good luck!

Here are all our submissions:

And here's where you get to votin'!

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