Every once in a while, we'll come across a character that's been cosplayed so nice, we have to feature it twice. Our Cosplay of the Week features the mighty assassin, Zer0, from Borderlands 2. Prepare for some badass haikus.

Zer0, the Number, is an Assassin who counts himself as one of the Vault Hunters who oppose Handsome Jack on the wild planet of Pandora. He's been known to engage in political assassinations and even common hits, meaning that this killer is a master of his craft and not above any job. He came to Pandora after an assassination that left him feeling unchallenged, since his mark didn't even fight back, even after Zer0 encouraged him to. The Vault seemed like a worthy match for his skills, so off he went to Pandora. Using his deadly abilities, he just might make it to the Vault with the rest of the Hunters.

Here is Courtney, a member of Cosplay4UsAll, in her default Zer0 look. Everything from the mask and the suit feature a great, cel-shaded look. Would it surprise you to know that this entire outfit was hand-crafted? That's right! The suit itself was made from custom printed fabric, giving it that cel-shaded flair. The helmet was cast from resin and fitted with a vacuum-formed visor. And interesting tidbit is that Cosplay4UsAll actually had to make a vacuum form machine in order to accomplish this. Finally, the blade was made by Courtney's step-dad, nicknamed "Prop Dad," and glows with an impressive blue thanks to the use of LEDs.

All of this was accomplished by a family of cosplayers call Cosplay4UsAll. As you might be able to tell from their name, they believe that anyone should be able to cosplay. And thanks to their belief and the help of other supportive members of the cosplay community, they're able to bring us great outfits like this. You can visit their official website in order to see a gallery of their finished cosplays, props, works in progress, videos and even shop around for different props. Some available items, as of this writing, are the Staff of Parthalan from Dragon Age 2, Zer0's blade, a Silent Hill Nurse mask and an Adam Syringe from BioShock.

You can also become a fan of Cosplay4UsAll by visiting their Facebook page and tossing a few "Likes" their way. If you want to see even more photos of their completed works and artistic endeavors, click here to check out their deviantART page. And to see these masters in motion, crafting various parts of cosplays, head on down to their YouTube channel and watch as the cosplay magic happens.


Want your Cosplay to be seen? Send your info to john@arcadesushi.com and we may feature you in our Cosplay of the Week!

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