
Cosplay of the Day: This Joker Is Pretty Serious
Cosplay of the Day: This Joker Is Pretty Serious
Cosplay of the Day: This Joker Is Pretty Serious
We see a lot (a lot) of people cosplaying as various versions of the Joker from the Batman films, and even though the Heath Ledger version from Christopher Nolan's 'The Dark Knight' is pretty popular, you'd be hard-pressed to find a cosplayer who does it better than this guy.
Commander Shepard in a Cocktail Dress (Mass Effect 2) – Cosplay of the Day
Commander Shepard in a Cocktail Dress (Mass Effect 2) – Cosplay of the Day
Commander Shepard in a Cocktail Dress (Mass Effect 2) – Cosplay of the Day
Mass Effect's Commander Shepard is one of gaming's most recent legendary figures. And since the character is customizable, everyone is going to have their own personal favorite version of Shep, be it male, female, paragon, or renegade. But I think most of us can agree that Shepard is coolest during some of the downloadable content missions in the game, especially when off the battlefield. Today's
Katarina (League of Legends) – Cosplay of the Day
Katarina (League of Legends) – Cosplay of the Day
Katarina (League of Legends) – Cosplay of the Day
We're big believers in quality over quantity over here at Arcade Sushi, and so sometimes we'll come across a cosplayer who might not have many photos or a wide variety of cosplays, but instead displays great mastery of their craft. We've found one such cosplayer who's got a cosplay for League of Legends' Katarina that's so good, we couldn't help but feature it as Cosplay of the Day!
Jill Valentine (Resident Evil 3: Nemesis) – Cosplay of the Day
Jill Valentine (Resident Evil 3: Nemesis) – Cosplay of the Day
Jill Valentine (Resident Evil 3: Nemesis) – Cosplay of the Day
Every now and then we like to feature cosplays that are deceptively simple that they're actually brilliant. We mean, what's harder to do, craft a Samus Aran's armor or get a really simple outfit completely right? Well, a lot of people might say the former, but we think the latter is an art too, which is why Jill Valentine from Resident Evil 3 is our Cosplay of the Day.

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