It’s been a whirlwind and well-documented year for Scotty McCreery with his ‘American Idol‘ win, his No. 1 hit album ‘Clear As Day,’ his busy touring and interview schedule and the time he reserves for family and friends. He’s also going to continue to mix work with school, as he has applied to several colleges — and has just revealed that he’s been accepted to East Carolina. Must be fun to fill out those tedious applications and write those corresponding essays all the while being pranked while on tour with notorious jokester Brad Paisley.

In a recent chat with Blogcritics Music, McCreery shared that he has already been accepted to college, but isn’t sure which school he will attend yet. He said, “I’ve gotten into East Carolina. That’s the first place that I’ve heard back from today. I’ve applied to North Carolina State as well. Also, Belmont University and Tennessee State. We’ll see where I end up, but we’re not certain yet.”

Even while he awaits responses from the other colleges he applied to, McCreery remains at work and on the road, touring with Paisley, who is famous for having a little fun at his tourmates’ expense. McCreery has already fallen victim to Paisley’s warped sense of humor. “Yeah, he got me once,” he admitted.

So what did Paisley do? It involved some computer skills. McCreery said, “He just kind of Photoshopped my head on a big, muscular Speedo body at the beach. That was funny. He put it on the screen during the last song of the night, kind of got a big roar from the crowd. It was all fun and games, so we’ll have to find something that we can retaliate with.”

You know what they say about paybacks, right?

Life on tour can take its toll, and McCreery admitted that he sacrificed eating healthily in favor of snacking on sweets while on the ‘Idol’ tour last summer. He is aiming to get back in shape since baseball season is on the horizon. He admits he is not too demanding with tour requests  — no removing of colored M&Ms or to needs to be provided with only black towels in the dressing room, like some diva musicians ask for — and that he is happy with an Xbox and his iPod.

Despite his desire to go to college and be as regular of kid as possible, McCreery still has nothing but love for his fans. He gushed about them, saying, “The fans are incredible. They never cease to amaze me. They’re always at the shows with their signs and stuff.”

That doesn’t mean that the unusual, oddball request doesn’t land in front of him, though. He tends to oblige them, too. He revealed the strangest thing a fan has said to him, saying, “The funniest thing that’s happened to me is a big guy came up to me and said, ‘Scotty, sign my belly!’ and lifted his shirt up. I had to commend the fella, so I signed his belly for him. He walked away and said, ‘I’m never washing it again.’ And I said, ‘You better wash that [laughs].’ It was funny.”

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